csx 发表于 2023-3-18 01:15

【AL BROOKS 价格行为分析系列】(中+英)

【AL BROOKS 价格行为分析系列】(中+英)

Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar- The Technical Analysis of Price Action for the Serious Trader
Trading Price Action Reversals_ Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader
Trading Price Action Trading Ranges_ Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader
Trading Price Action Trends_ Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader_AL BROOKS

Trading Price Action TRENDS 价格行为交易之反转篇(最新版)
高级波段技术分析价格行为交易系统之区间分析 (【美】阿尔·布鲁克斯(著)
高级趋势技术分析 (布鲁克斯)


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查看完整版本: 【AL BROOKS 价格行为分析系列】(中+英)